Mr. Justus Wabuko


Mr. Justus Wabuko is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya. He graduated with honors from Kabarak University and holds a post graduate Diploma in Law from the Kenya School of Law.
He is currently working in the Corporate and Commercial Department. He has handled an array of corporate documentation such as commercial agreements including but not limited to Non-Disclosure Agreements, Joint Venture Agreements, Loan Agreements, Debt Repayment Agreements, Lease Agreements, Employment Agreements, Memoranda of Understanding among others.
He similarly has demonstrable expertise in litigation both at the trial stage and at the appellate level. Mr. Wabuko is also an astute researcher with a knack for identifying and finding legal resources to tackle complex legal matters. He also oversees most of our retainer relationships.
He is also an active member of the Law Society of Kenya.

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Office Telephone : 020-2102742